​Welcome to our cast of characters spanning across 5 different game worlds (all currently running):
An ex-surgeon, aasimar, cleric of peace, Leo has joined his adventuring companions in order to further escape his past employment and achieve a peaceful existence.
Stats: 9,14,13,14,19,16 (lvl. 5)
Weapon of Choice: Holy Symbol, Scalpel

Orin Tyd
A well traveled divination wizard who was once part of a traveling circus and now adventures in hopes of uncovering complex magical secrets that might allow him to shape time itself.
Stats: 8,17,14,17,15,12 (lvl. 3)
Weapon of Choice: Spellbook and Focus
Winona Gaultier
A bardic princess who finds herself trapped in a world in which her name has no weight, she hopes to find a way home to her family and avenge the death of her trusted bodyguard Alfred.
Stats: 14, 16, 14, 16, 16, 20 (lvl. 8)
Weapon of Choice: Scimitar
Selden Sylvyr
A master thief and unlikely adventurer, caught in this new profession as a consequence of his heritage and one big mistake of trying to steal from the wrong centaur.
Stats: 12, 20, 8, 18, 16, 10 (lvl. 16)
Weapon of Choice: Rapier

Eleanora Church
A new student of monastic tradition with a desire to see the world and learn all she can about it. Perpetually nomadic her choice to join the newly built adventurers guild seemed only natural.
Stats: 8,18, 12, 14, 13, 16 (lvl. 1)
Weapon of Choice: Staff
Niera St. Almus
A young war cleric on an adventure of self discovery. Somehow became wrapped up in saving the world from it's complete impending destruction.
Stats: 17, 9, 16, 15, 20, 10 (lvl. 17)
Weapon of Choice: Longsword
Timothy Pennywinkle
A self described 'traveling revolutionary' Timothy has been on a plethora of adventures both following and getting lost from his dedicated adventuring party.
Stats: 8, 15, 16, 20, 14, 12 (lvl. 17)
Weapon of Choice: Advanced Shielding Suit

Arturo Asteliss
17 year old Artificer Artillerist invited to attend the Dulthram academy after having exhausted all his other options to further his education. Also stoked to have a roommate who's perpetually on fire.
Stats: 13, 15, 15, 20, 10, 15 (lvl. 5)
Weapon of Choice: Sling

Rejected by her Orc family Hiri has set out into the world to earn her fortune and open a temple where those dedicated to bodybuilding can hone their craft. She is a monk who is obsessed with giants.
Stats: 20,14, 16, 10, 13, 8 (lvl. 8)
Weapon of Choice: Fists